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1萬事通事務所2024-04-23 18:00:11黃揚明政治社會:台灣強震連連,花蓮要如何是好?監察院出手查三十五年前的侯友宜?陳時中接任政務委員是否加分?童子賢不再反核?13,6021,0204
2邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-23 12:00:03超過60歲邱醫師保健方法大公開!Doctor Chiu's healthcare methods revealed for those over 60!#老化#保養#養生#邱正宏#shorts5,4302435
3邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-24 12:00:33各科醫師的健康建議原來很多人都不知道!Many people are unaware of the health advice from various specialists!#健康#營養#邱正宏4,6181853
4邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:273個正在摧毀你健康的養生習慣!3 Health Habits That Are Currently Destroying You!#健康#習慣#養生#邱正宏#shorts4,4891991
5邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-26 20:00:223個胖小腹的壞習慣你中了幾個?How many of these 3 bad habits for a chubby belly have you fallen into?#減肥#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏4,2031563
6邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:14沛綠雅Perrier氣泡水糞便來源細菌汙染疑慮 2個你不知道的氣泡水知識 簡直顛覆你的想像 2 knowledge about sparkling water.3,93118317
7邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-25 12:00:16生活中造成你肚子大的3個原因!3 reasons that cause your belly to be big in life.#瘦肚子#小腹#內臟脂肪#邱正宏#shorts3,5281462
8邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-23 20:00:25補充綜合維他命真的健康嗎?Is taking a multivitamin really healthy?#維生素#維他命#保健食品#邱正宏#shorts1,905522
9邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 12:00:06喜歡翹腳你的難怪無法瘦肚子!Enjoying sitting with your legs crossed is why you can't lose belly fat!#翹腳#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏1,522512
10邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-24 20:00:00訂閱邱醫 健康第一!Subscribe to Dr. Chiu's YouTube channel for maintaining good health.#健康#減肥#瘦身#邱正宏#shorts1,2831182
11邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-25 20:00:40減肥一日最多三餐千萬不要少食多餐!To lose weight, eat no more than three meals a day; avoid snacking excessively!#邱正宏1,046541
12邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-29 13:12:44習慣這樣站讓你永遠無法瘦肚子!Standing like this will always prevent you from losing belly fat!#彎腰駝背#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏237180
13中國國民黨KMT2024-04-24 17:03:19K政線|監察院淪綠營打手 毀憲亂政監督在野黨?27140