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1邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-29 20:00:49這樣喝檸檬水美白你只會越喝越黑!Drinking lemon water this way will only make you darker the more you drink!#美白#邱正宏9,6542310
2邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-01 20:00:19多吃這1種東西讓你健康又年輕!Eating more of this one thing will keep you healthy and young#黃酮醇#抗氧化#多酚#邱正宏#shorts9,6523522
3邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:273個正在摧毀你健康的養生習慣!3 Health Habits That Are Currently Destroying You!#健康#習慣#養生#邱正宏#shorts9,2723994
4邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:14沛綠雅Perrier氣泡水糞便來源細菌汙染疑慮 2個你不知道的氣泡水知識 簡直顛覆你的想像 2 knowledge about sparkling water.8,78132623
5邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-03 20:00:28邱醫師教你冰泡綠茶健康又減肥!Iced green tea is healthy and aids in weight loss!#綠茶#冰水#減肥#邱正宏#shorts8,5101974
6邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-30 12:00:075個決定你是否能長命百歲的關鍵因素!The 5 Key Factors That Determine Whether You Can Live a Long Life!#養生#健康#長壽#邱正宏6,7962842
7邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-02 12:00:14這1件事沒做好,別想皮膚好!A technique to make your skin better#保養#控糖#抗老#邱正宏#shorts4,6842224
8邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-29 13:12:44習慣這樣站讓你永遠無法瘦肚子!Standing like this will always prevent you from losing belly fat!#彎腰駝背#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏2,400950
9邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-30 20:00:49減肥斷食真的有效嗎?Is fasting for weight loss really effective?#斷食#減肥#效果#邱正宏#shorts2,2241121
10邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 12:00:06喜歡翹腳你的難怪無法瘦肚子!Enjoying sitting with your legs crossed is why you can't lose belly fat!#翹腳#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏2,176712
11邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-01 12:00:01知名進口氣泡水竟也爆發食安問題?Even popular imported sparkling water has food safety issues?#沛綠雅#氣泡水#汙染#邱正宏#shorts2,077664
12邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-04 20:00:43邱醫師親自示範咖啡水製作,健康解渴又減肥!Made with black coffee water, healthy hydration and weight loss!#咖啡#冰水#減肥#邱正宏1,9671333
13邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-02 20:00:10多喝水沒事?瓶裝水有你想像的安全嗎?Packaged water is more polluted than you think.#瓶裝水#礦泉水#氣泡水#邱正宏#shorts1,039475
14邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-04 12:00:25美白必看!沒有太陽就不需要特別防曬嗎?Do you still need special sunscreen without the sun?#美白#防曬#紫外線#邱正宏#shorts589330
15邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-05-03 12:00:36容易長痘痘這5種食物請你少吃!5 foods that are easy to cause acne, please consume less!#痘痘#飲食#減肥#邱正宏#shorts100150