COVID-19 在 24小時內觀看最多的影片

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1邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-29 20:00:49這樣喝檸檬水美白你只會越喝越黑!Drinking lemon water this way will only make you darker the more you drink!#美白#邱正宏8,6362170
2邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:14沛綠雅Perrier氣泡水糞便來源細菌汙染疑慮 2個你不知道的氣泡水知識 簡直顛覆你的想像 2 knowledge about sparkling water.7,31827920
3邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 20:00:273個正在摧毀你健康的養生習慣!3 Health Habits That Are Currently Destroying You!#健康#習慣#養生#邱正宏#shorts6,3012823
4邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-30 12:00:075個決定你是否能長命百歲的關鍵因素!The 5 Key Factors That Determine Whether You Can Live a Long Life!#養生#健康#長壽#邱正宏5,8922521
5邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-27 12:00:235件讓你變醜又不健康的事你還在做嗎?Are You Still Doing These 5 Things That Make You Ugly and Unhealthy?#減肥#保養#健康#邱正宏5,7832462
6大愛電視 Tzu Chi DaAiVideo2024-04-28 20:10:53【人間菩提】擋住疫病愛會合 202404284,2671884
7邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-26 20:00:223個胖小腹的壞習慣你中了幾個?How many of these 3 bad habits for a chubby belly have you fallen into?#減肥#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏4,2031563
8邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-25 12:00:16生活中造成你肚子大的3個原因!3 reasons that cause your belly to be big in life.#瘦肚子#小腹#內臟脂肪#邱正宏#shorts3,5281462
9民視新聞網 Formosa TV News network2024-04-28 10:07:11口罩國家隊拚轉型! 口罩回收再利用變身清潔袋、衣架-民視新聞2,682554
10邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-29 13:12:44習慣這樣站讓你永遠無法瘦肚子!Standing like this will always prevent you from losing belly fat!#彎腰駝背#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏2,400950
11邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-28 12:00:06喜歡翹腳你的難怪無法瘦肚子!Enjoying sitting with your legs crossed is why you can't lose belly fat!#翹腳#小腹#瘦肚子#邱正宏1,958652
12邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-27 20:00:42這2種狀況難怪你無法瘦肚子!These 2 conditions no wonder you can't slim down your belly!#瘦肚子#瘦小腹#內臟脂肪#邱正宏#shorts1,865682
13邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-30 20:00:49減肥斷食真的有效嗎?Is fasting for weight loss really effective?#斷食#減肥#效果#邱正宏#shorts1,277821
14邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-25 20:00:40減肥一日最多三餐千萬不要少食多餐!To lose weight, eat no more than three meals a day; avoid snacking excessively!#邱正宏1,046541
15民視英語新聞 Taiwan News Formosa TV2024-04-28 22:14:08Hualien business builds self-esteem, one dumpling at a time|Taiwan News894261
16邱正宏 談健康 Grand Health2024-04-26 12:00:28牢記這6句讓你健康平安一輩子的話!Remember these 6 phrases to keep you healthy and safe for a lifetime!#健康#減肥#瘦身#邱正宏482310
17華爾街電視2024-05-01 02:03:18中國首位公開COVID-19病毒序列的科學家靜坐抗議;特朗普再次競選總統,市場反應冷淡;迪拜房地產繁榮背後的巨額融資;中國與美國的氣候會談將於華盛頓舉行:華爾街電視簡報2024043047130
18Data Alchemist2024-04-25 19:30:12返核或反核 核能發電占比最多的國家 | 各國核能發電占比排名 |1985-2023342192
19全民話燒2024-05-01 10:20:56赴中港澳會「被關心」!醫療人員出國要報備 他吐心聲:被當犯人的感覺-全民話燒15700
20TNEWS聯播網2024-04-27 20:00:30苗縣防疫佳績 全國疫苗施打獲四獎項│T-NEWS聯播網1100